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Access: (downloaded 05-11-2012)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:謠傳 : 習近平"失蹤"期間致中央常委與元老的信 / 阿妞不牛
Yao-ch'uan : Hsi Chin-p'ing "shi-tsung" ch'i-chien chih Chung-yang ch'ang-wei yü yüan-lao te hsin / A-niu-pu-niu 萬維讀者網 (19 Oct. 2012)
Orig. URL:
Description:1 css, 30 gif, 2 html, 4 jpeg 1 js file (392 KB)
A-niu-pu-niu te po-k'e
Loc. note:Text exceeds right border as on original website
Related names:阿妞不牛 [pseud.]  A-niu-pu-niu [pseud.]
Subjects:Politics, practical
Chung-kuo Kung-ch'an-tang - Congresses
China - Politics and government - 21st century
Hsi Chin-p'ing, 1953-

Access: (downloaded 06-11-2012)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:阿妞不牛 [pseud.]  A-niu-pu-niu [pseud.]
Title:莫言獲諾獎,誰有莫能言之苦痛? / 阿妞不牛
Mo Yen huo no-chiang, shei yu mo neng yen chih k'u-tung? / A-niu-pu-niu 萬維讀者網 (13 Oct. 2012)
Orig. URL:
Description:1 css, 37 gif, 2 html, 4 jpeg, 2 js files (636 KB)
A-niu-pu-niu te po-k'e
Subjects:Nobel Prize
Chinese literature - 20th century
Nobel Prize winners - Fiction
Mo Yen, 1955-

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